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San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyers
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San Diego DUI Defense Attorneys

Being charged with the crime of Driving Under the Influence, also known as DUI, is a complicated situation which can have a long-term effect on your life. Having the best San Diego lawyers at your side ensures that you have a fighting chance.San Diego DUI Defense Attorneys driving under the influence 300x197

For the best DUI defense, call Lee Law Group!

We will provide you with a well-crafted DUI defense which is based on evidence and facts that we have collected and analyzed.

If you are involved DUI, including alcohol and drug-related offenses, the dedicated San Diego DUI defense lawyers at Lee Law Group are prepared to work hard for you!

Call Lee Law Group at (619) 566-8085 for a Free Consultation!

What To Do if I’m Pulled Over For a DUI

Protecting yourself starts from the moment you are pulled over by the police. The law enforcement officer will start collecting evidence when they suspect that you are driving under the influence. Your attitude and behavior will have a great impact on potential charges made against you.

Here is some advice when dealing with police officers if you have had some alcohol in your system.

San Diego DUI Defense Attorneys pull over 300x169Keep Calm and Remain Silent: Remember that you always have the right to remain silent. Politely refuse to answer any questions as anything that you say may be used against you during the investigation.

Be Respectful: Being pulled over can be nerve-wracking, but remember that this is a routine process for the police. Remember your rights during this situation and cooperate without putting yourself in precarious circumstances. Ensure that you are calm, respectful, and polite. If the officer does not treat you similarly, this is best handled by your legal representative.

Do Not Perform the Field Sobriety Tests: Respectfully decline to perform field sobriety tests. The results of the test will only hurt your case. Sobriety tests are often unreliable even when you are sober.

Blood or Breath Test at the Station: In the state of California, you are required to take a breath test and/or a blood test if arrested for DUI due to the “Implied Consent” which took effect when you registered for a driver’s license. You should have a choice between a breath or blood test. Tests are typically taken at the station. Moreover, blood tests should be administered by a technician and not by the police officer.

You may still be arrested if you follow these steps. However, you have already started protecting your self which allows our criminal lawyer in San Diego to protect you further.

California DUI Laws

Different states have different DUI laws. That means California has its own specific laws and regulations as well. You may be charged with DUI if your circumstances fall under the following conditions:

  • Driving under 21 years old and consuming alcohol, cough syrup, or prescription drug.
  • You are driving under 21 years old with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .01 or higher.
  • You are driving under 21 years old with unsealed liquor, beer, or wine while alone.
  • You are driving under 18 years old with any level of BAC.
  • You are driving a commercial vehicle with a BAC of .04 or higher.
  • Any intoxicated driver with a BAC of .08 or higher.
  • A repeat DUI offender with a BAC of .01 or higher.
  • You are refusing a blood alcohol content test.

Most do not know that when you are charged with two crimes during these circumstances: DUI and Driving with Excessive BAC. Having these two charges are serious consequences and difficulty to fight.

That is why you will need a strong legal representative who is experienced with handling DUI cases and can offer expert advice with each step. We are here to ensure that you get your life back as soon as possible.


Types of DUI Penalties in San Diego

There are various types of criminal charge for DUI in San Diego. Moreover, each charge comes with specific penalties.

DUI accident injury lawyersDUI, No Priors, VC 23152 (a) & VC 23152 (b)

The possible penalties for DUI with no priors are:

  • Fines of up to $2133.00
  • Three to nine months of DUI Program
  • One-Time Mother’s Against Drug Driving (MADD) and Victims Impact Panel (VIP)
  • Public Works Service (PWS) if BAC is higher than .15
  • Suspension of driver’s license
  • Up to five years probation
  • Criminal and bad driving records

DUI, Prior within 10 Years, VC 23152 (a) & VC 23152 (b)

Any conviction within the last 10 years is considered a “prior” DUI conviction. Possible fines are:

  • Fines of up to $2635.00
  • At least 96 hours in custody depending on the additional DUIs
  • DUI Program for 18 months
  • One-Time Mother’s Against Drug Driving (MADD) and Victims Impact Panel (VIP)
  • Suspension of driver’s license
  • Public Works Service (PWS) if BAC is higher than .15 (additional 5 days on the total from the BAC enhancement)
  • Up to five years probation
  • Criminal and bad driving records

DUI, Under Influence of Illicit Drugs, No Priors, VC 23152(f)

The possible penalties for DUI of drugs are:

  • Fines of up to $2133.00
  • DUI program for three months
  • Mother’s Against Drug Driving (MADD) and Victims Impact Panel (VIP)
  • Suspension of driver’s license
  • Up to five years probation
  • Criminal and bad driving records

Wet-Reckless, VC 23103 per VC 23103.5

A Wet-Reckless is a lesser included offense of a DUI. Often a plea-bargained offense when the accused has a BAC of .08 or lower required under CA Vehicle Code 23152(b). The possible penalties are:

  • Fines of up to $1321.00
  • DUI Program from 12 hours to three months
  • Mother’s Against Drug Driving (MADD) and Victims Impact Panel (VIP)
  • Up to five years probation
  • Criminal and bad driving records

Dry (Regular) Reckless, VC 23103

A Dry-Reckless is a lesser included offense of a DUI. Often a plea-bargained offense when the accused has a BAC under .08 required for a DUI under CA Vehicle Code 23152(b). The possible penalties are:

  • Fines of up to $983.00
  • Up to three years probation
  • Criminal and bad driving records

Drinking Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle, VC 23221

The possible penalties for drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle are:

  • Fines of up to $250 for those 21 and older
  • Fines of up to $1000.00
  • One-year license suspension if under 21-years old

DUI Murder (PC 187) a.k.a. Watson Murder

A Watson Murder is charged when the prosecutor proves that the defendant acted with “Implied Malice” which involves three facts:

  • An intentional act resulting in someone’s death
  • Natural consequences of the act endangering human life
  • Knowingly acted with a conscious disregard of that danger

The possible penalties for a Watson Murder are:

  • Up to 15 years to life in state prison
  • Fines of up to $10,000.00
  • A “strike” on your criminal record (California’s Three Strikes Law)
  • Additional and consecutive three years to the sentence if a surviving victim suffers great bodily injury (GBI)
  • Additional consecutive one year to the sentence for each injured person (up to three years)

San Diego Criminal Defense Attorneys

Lee Law Group is your comprehensive San Digo criminal defense law firm which can provide you with legal support. With decades of proven results, satisfied clients, and unwavering dedication, there is no better option for you. Do not trust the half-priced lawyers you see on billboards – go with our Super Lawyers for the Best Defense!

DUI charges, violent crime charges, juvenile crimes, sex-related crimes, white collar crimes, theft, and other felony charges are no big tasks for the San Diego criminal defense lawyers at Lee Law Group. Our experience, drive, and commitment will get the best possible results for you. Get in touch with our criminal defense legal experts today to get your life back on track.

Let’s Talk Now- Free Consultation

Lee Law Group San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney Logo

As your dedicated San Diego criminal defense attorneys, Lee Law Group provides comprehensive legal support. We will be supporting you through each process. Our experts will provide support, advice, and aggressive negotiation and courtroom skills if your case advances.

Lee Law Group gets you the justice you deserve! Talk to one of our skilled DUI defense lawyers today.

Call Lee Law Group today at (619) 566-8085 for your Free Consultation!